
Monday, April 16, 2012

It's Okay, Everybody Does It

Blogs are like opinions, which I hear are a lot like buttholes. Everyone has at least one. There were an estimated 2,459,646,518 internet users worldwide in February 2012. Who knows how many blogs there are. There are 71.2 million on WordPress alone. So why in the world would anyone want to read this one? Why in the world should I start one?

First, I was asked to do this in order to share my experiences on my recent trip to Poland. It sure was interesting, at least for someone from Western Kentucky who’d never been out of the country. So yes, a blog will be a good forum for sharing stories and images that are, in the end, at least marginally interesting.

With full intentions of sharing my travel info, I am now blogging. Yet I don’t want the Poland excursion to be the end all of my blogging experiences. There are so many things to share. Yes, visiting a foreign nation for the first time was great, but how many wonderful, fun things need to be shared as life goes by in the normal day-to-day?

Perhaps this will be nothing more than an electronic journal that no one will read until I am dead and gone. It was once somewhat common to keep pen and ink journals. Some live in infamy, like that of Andy Warhol, giving us a personal look at one of the world’s most interesting people. Others, such as Anne Frank, give us a glimpse of raw humanity caught up in extraordinary circumstances. But, like blogs, who knows how many countless volumes of human experience are shelved for no one to see outside the author who penned the words.

Maybe my children will be going through my things when I am gone (in this case looking at the favorites on my browser), and they will say, “Hey look, it’s dad’s blog!” Maybe they will read with a romanticized view of ol’ pops and soak in life from the unique viewpoint of at least one human out of billions who decided to write down his thoughts.

About me:

I do like to write. I fancied it when a freshman English teacher challenged me in creative writing. My mom, sensing my proclivity to write, encouraged me from then on. I do write for Paducah Life Magazine and anyone else who is willing to read it.

I guess I lean more toward being right-brained. I have an artistic bent and am somewhat of a free-spirit. In my early twenties, I was fully convinced that I wanted to be a hippie for the rest of my life. While that didn’t exactly work out due to mounting responsibilities and bills that needed paid, I do retain some of the same ideals. I love art, music, humor, and creativity. Life ain’t easy, and it is finding the fun in day to day life that makes it worthwhile. That’s what I want to share in this blog.


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